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Mindful Movement and Muscle Memory

I have learned over the past few years the importance of mindset and the power of positivity, and I would love to share some of that with you and continue to bring you sunshine.  

Let’s talk about some ways that we can make the best out of our days at home.  Muscle memory!!!  I freaking L❤️VE muscle memory!!  It gives me the ability to free up some mental energy, which allows me to work harder and focus on artistry and other forms of my movement. 

The good old dictionary defines it as “the ability to reproduce a particular movement without conscious thought, acquired as a result of frequent repetition of that movement.“

That also means that if we are doing things incorrectly then we are building muscle memory with bad form! 😬Pump the brakes on that. 

One of my very favorite formats to teach is Progressing Ballet Technique. This format is ALL about building GOOD muscle memory. 

Take a look at professional dancer Stephanie Williams with American Ballet Theatre, she shares her favorite PBT exercises that are helping her stay fit at home during the lockdown.

How gorgeous is she?!? 😍  The amazing thing about PBT, and one of the many reasons why I love it so much, is if you’re doing something wrong then the ball will tell you.  The ball does not lie! 😈  You also need very little space so it’s super easy to get going. 

I’ve been successfully teaching private PBT lessons over the last while and I have seen tons of improvement and understanding in my students.

So why is muscle memory so good? I believe the first and most important muscle memory to build is for good posture. How would your every day life look different if you always had a good posture, didn’t have to think about it, and all the ailments you suffer because of bad posture went away? It’s starting to sound pretty awesome isn’t it? 😃 

Muscle memory happens not only because we are gaining strength, stamina, and more range of motion, but also because we are gaining body awareness, motor control, and neuromuscular efficiency. 

Now you know why I’m so passionate about muscle memory. ❤️

If you want to feel what this format is all about (and I really do mean feel, it’s much harder work than it looks 😁) then fill out this form and we can get going!!  





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