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What is a Frappé good for?

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

Frappé (frah-pay): classical ballet term meaning "struck".

If you've been doing ballet for long you know what frappé is.

I freaking LOVE Frappé!  I'm not entirely sure why, probably because it's difficult. Then the instructor says "double frappé" and it's all about strength, precision, and control. ❤️ Bring it on.

Frappé is almost always done at the barre as an exercise to improve quick and precise movement of the legs and feet. The dancer extends her (his) leg and points the foot, brushing the ball of the foot on the floor, causing the strike. The movement almost always starts and ends in a coupé. 

If you're having difficulty in the center of class with small jump combinations, work on some frappés at the barre every day. 

Also make sure when you brush the floor that you use your feet and toes to spring your leg up. Getting that muscle memory in your feet is super important for many, many things.  Jumps, leaps, pirouettes, déggagé, etc.

Now stand up and do some frappés. Try this simple combo:

2 Front, 2 side, 2 back, 2 double side. Reverse.

 You've got this. Happy Dancing! 



50% Complete

Two Step

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