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Let us Read and Dance

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

I am sitting here on my kids’ first day of online school, with no power, and no internet (typing away on a document). 

One of my favorite quotes that I also love the crap out of is “Everything is Figureoutable”.  So I am figuring it out. It’s not ideal, but getting something done not ideally is better than not done at all.

I came across this meme and guess what?  I can do both of these without power and without internet!

My current book of choice is “Pirouette Surgery” and it’s fantastic in the first 3 pages so far. 😂 AND I can still dance with music when the power is out thanks to my hundreds of downloaded playlists. 🙌

What would you do on a day like mine today? (hint: you should say DANCE! 😉) Are you in hybrid school? Online school? How are your dance classes going? I’d love to hear how you are doing! Respond and let me know.

Take care and keep on dancing!



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