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Hip Stabilizers in Dancers

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

For today's Mindful Monday let's talk about Hip Stabilizers! 😊

If you've been in some advanced ballet classes you probably know all about the Psoas muscle. This diagram from Cleveland Clinic gives you a good visual.

The Psoas is the only muscle in the body that connects the spinal column to the legs. It's super important for dancers and makes up part of your hip stabilizers!

The Psoas is super deep, as you can see it's right on the inside of the spine. That also means it's hard to activate, it's not something you can find in one class, it's going to take some mindfulness throughout several classes. 

So when your instructor says "use your core to lift your leg", the Psoas what they're talking about! ❀️

If you can strengthen this muscle your extensions will be so much more stable and higher! Pilates is GREAT to strengthen both the Psoas and the other muscles that make up your hip stabilizers.  

One of my free class Fridays was all about hip stabilizers. If you missed it you can catch it here. The video and audio isn't fantastic, but it's still great content! Part of the reason I did the free class Friday series was to up my online teaching skills and figure out all the tech stuff, haha! You're welcome. πŸ˜‰ 

So go try it out or just do some deep core strengthening and hip work and try to find that Psoas muscle. Your extensions will thank you. ☺️ 

All my best!! πŸ’• 



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