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Dance & Life Skills

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

I wanted to talk about what research has shown that you learn from being in the studio. 

I'm not talking about how you learn to nail a pirouette. Or how you learn all the body positions, head positions, feet positions, etc. 

I'm talking about LIFE skills that you learn.

Research has shown that ballet will help you with these 5 amazing life skills:

  • Form a positive opinion of yourself
  • Deepen your self worth
  • Sharpen your listening skills
  • Learn discipline
  • Learn Self-Awareness

Don't we all need these things right now?? When we have the opportunity in class to practice skills, accomplish goals, receive encouragement & praise, we learn to think positively about ourselves which in turn deepens our self worth.

I can't think of a better place to sharpen my listening skills than when in a ballet class and the instructor says ok let's do a petit allegro, or a fast tendu, or a frappé!  You best believe I'm watching, hearing, and absorbing their every word!  

All my best!! 💕



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