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Breaking down the 8 body positions week 3

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

Écarté (Āy-car-tĀy) means separated or thrown apart. Your body is facing a front corner of your square (remember that square around yourself I talked about? 😁). Your extended leg is in a 2nd position either en l'air (in the air) or à terre (on the floor) like shown in the image. I always remember the arm position as "same as leg"; same arm as leg is up, other arm is in a 2nd, and your head is looking under your upper wrist. You wouldn't want to be looking toward your other arm because you'd be looking away from your audience.  Most of the time head positions are looking toward the audience. 😊 Make sure your shoulders and hips stay square to your corner, no twisting in Écarté, keep your SpongeBob square! 😂 There you go, you got it!

Effacé (eff-ah-say) means "shaded". The legs are open and not crossed. It is again facing your front corner, then using your leg toward the back of the room to come to a devant (front) position either a terre or en l'air.  Make sure your big toe (or hallux for you anatomy nerds! 🤓) is directly in line with your hip socket. Ballet is VERY geometrical! And now we have opposite arm as leg up, other arm to 2nd, head position is chin turned slightly toward upper arm and top of the head slightly tilted toward arm.  If your audience sees your legs crossed then change legs and you should be correct! Crossed is Croisé which you can say is the opposite of Effacé. Thats it! Good work!


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