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A Growth Mindset

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2020

 Let's start our week off right and get our brain in the right place. 

 Let's talk about this visual from the Big Life Journal. You know I totally dig this kind of stuff...

Now let's talk about a few of these and apply this to your workout or ballet class...

 1- Progress takes time!  You can't get your over-splits after 1 session of stretching right? What about nail a triple pirouette after 1 class?  What about run a marathon after 1 training session? A growth mindset will help us love the journey of gaining progress.

 2- A growth mindset will help us have no shame in asking questions and asking for help.

3- Watch your friends and be inspired by their successes.

4- Don't be afraid to fail!  It's how we grow!  I often tell my classes it's ok to do something wrong, that's what we are here for!  Sometimes I instruct them to do it wrong (tip your pelvis forward and put weight in your heels) and feel how it *shouldn't be, then do it right (hold your hips neutral and center your weight over the ball of your foot). It's ok to do it wrong, often times that's what helps us do it right. You can't nail a pirouette if you don't just go for it and be ok with falling out of it.

5- When we want to grow we are willing to put forth the effort. If you want your over-splits, you're going to put in the effort daily.

6- Learning from feedback is SUCH an important life skill! Being ok with constructive criticism is one of the best things a ballet class can teach you. It's really hard to grow and be better if you don't learn from feedback.

7- No matter what your goal is, keep trying until you succeed! And celebrate your wins!

Now go with your bad open-minded self and have a fantastic week full of growth! 

All my best!! 💕



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