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Nailing a Pirouette

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

Have you ever had a bad turn day? And the harder you try it either doesn’t work or gets worse?  And your brain might be doing something like this Meme?

Don’t you worry my friend, I’ve got you on this!

Turns out (see what I did there? Haha! 😂 ) there ARE some very helpful tricks to having a good turn day.  🙌

The easiest thing is to take a deep breath and smile before you pirouette.

No I’m not just thinking a good attitude will help you nail your turn (although it can't hurt)... when we smile we naturally hold our head in an aligned position, which in turn (I did it again!) helps you be on top of your leg in balance and therefore THAT will help you nail your pirouette. 🙂

When we get frustrated we tend to lose our upper body posture, let our head fall forward and things fall out of alignment. So don’t let yourself get frustrated, smile through it! Besides, it's more fun if you smile anyway! 

If you would like more tips on nailing your pirouettes sign up for a FREE mini-session with me!  This can be done online or in-person so it doesn’t matter if you are across the country or even in a different country.

I absolutely love helping dancers with their own individual needs and advancing them to the next level with the many tricks I have up my sleeve. Every dancer is built differently and you may need to execute things slightly different than your friend.

Sign up for a FREE mini-session HERE

Keep on dancing!



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Two Step

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