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Success in a Dance Class

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

Today will be another short and sweet snippet of good juicy info. ❤️

I saw this meme and I just loved the crap out of it. 🙂  Not only does it apply to our everyday lives but it can be especially helpful in a ballet class if we have this attitude.

Being in front of a mirror in a ballet class makes it hard to not compare yourself to others.  BUT PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!  We have plenty of opportunity during a class to watch others and see what they do. Be happy for them! I always tell my classes to watch their friends and see what they're doing right.  Then apply that to yourself and see if you can get it right.  

This might be making sure you turn out your front foot on a Failli, having clean arms on a pirouette, correct head placement, anything!  

Watch for peoples success and make your success a journey. 

That's all for Technique Tuesday!  As always, thanks for letting me chat with you! ❤️



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