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Breaking down the 8 body positions Week 2

Uncategorized Jun 18, 2020

Week 2: À la seconde & Épaulé

À la seconde (ah- lah- suh-con) is very simple.  Obviously it means "to the second" so we tendu the foot in 2nd position.  Arms in 2nd position. Boom. Done. As always with tendu 2nd, make sure you're not directly to the side unless you have 180 degree turnout.  Your toe should pointe directly out from your 1st position.  Pointing directly side without the turnout in the hips will either make you lift the tendu hip or make you turn in the tendu leg. No bueno y'all. 

Now Épaulé is fun!  Pronounced (Ā-pull-ay). It literally means "shouldering", so it is referring to the position of the shoulders, head and neck. A good épaulement shows that you have style and carriage. 

The Position: Draw that square around your feet again. Now every method of ballet numbers the corners and sides of the room differently, so I'm just going to say turn your body to your left front corner. Now put your feet in 5th position croisé or crossed.  Take your Right foot to a tendu derriére (or back) and your Right arm forward so you're in a 2nd arabesque a terre position. Now turn your head so you're gazing over your right shoulder, tip your head slightly, lift from the sternum as if you're showing a million dollar necklace. You see how you look and feel different?!?  Now you're standing in épaulement.

Again, anyone can study ballet just like they study yoga. So stand up and start studying! ❤️

Take photos of your positions and post them on my FB page @ReviveMM! I'd love to see you! That's all for Technique Tuesday, Happy Dancing! 


PS- if you missed it yesterday, I'm offering buy 4 get 1 free for online private sessions but you have to sign up this week!  Email me at [email protected] and let's do this!


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