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10 Things you should take to a Dance Class

Uncategorized Sep 28, 2020

Today is short and sweet.  I have a list of 10 things that you should have for ballet class (and life in general, really) to set you up for success.

The best part is these 10 things require zero talent, zero technique, and zero dollars.

1- Being on time 

2- Good work ethic

3- Effort

4- Good body language

5- Energy

6- Good Attitude

7- Passion

8- Being teachable

9- Love and compassion for others

10- Being prepared

A great life skill that ballet taught me is that if you're not 10min early to class then you're late. Another big one is being teachable, it is very hard to gain technique if you're not very teachable.

These are also life skills that any employer would love to see in their employees. ❤️

Keep on dancing, keep on smiling!  ❤️



50% Complete

Two Step

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